Ian’s Review of Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater

I originally found this book (and the series it is in)  by reading Maggie Stiefvater’s earlier work in the Raven Cycle. I loved those books so I decided to read the spin-off series, which this book is a part of. And I have really been enjoying this series as it gets much further into the magic and world of the original, while also delivering enjoyable characters and an intriguing plot.

Mister Impossible picks up a few months after the previous book, Call Down the Hawk, with three dreamers, people who can pull objects out of their dreams, facing off against the moderators, people who wish to prevent the end of the world by killing all of the dreamers. These dreamers are three of the main characters; Ronan, Bryde, and Hennessy. Throughout the book these three attempt to strengthen the source of their power, the Lay Line, to “wake up” all of the dreams that have “fallen asleep” due to their dreamer dying. Many of these dreams are seemingly ordinary people who might not even realize they were dreamt.

This book also follows Ronan’s brothers, Declan and Matthew, along with Hennessy’s dreamt copy, Jordan as they try to figure out what the three dreamers are doing. And when they do, they start to wonder if what they are doing is really the right thing to do. If the dreams wake, many weapons might be usable again, lots of dangerous people could awaken, and maybe these dreams could even end the world.

I found this plot very interesting and thought-provoking, and I was always wondering what the characters were going to do next. Along with an exciting plot, there's lots of action and great characters, too. More specifically, I liked the three dreamers' interactions along with Hennessy and Jordan’s relationship. Also, I really liked Ronan’s vibe and sense of humor. Overall, I am very glad I read this book and hope the final book in the series, Greywaren, will be just as awesome.


  1. Hi Ian! I read /The Raven Cycle/ a couple of years ago and loved it, and I had heard of /The Dreamer Trilogy/ but never got around to reading it. Your post really inspired me to pick up the companion series (especially because Ronan was my favorite character, call me basic), so thanks for that. I'm looking forward to seeing how it compares to the original series of four!


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